Go beyond your

Explore | Experiment | Create
The perfect companion for your journey of creative invention and tech innovation.
Unleash infinite potential with intelligent hardware
Jump straight to making your dream projects with the Little Creo Brain’s built-in inputs and outputs.

Built-in Sensors and Actuators
OLED Screen
Temperature Sensor
Light Sensor
Touch Sensor

Clutter-free Invention Sandbox
With its wireless programming capabilities and built-in trinkets, the Little Creo Brain provides an extremely clutter-free innovation environment.

Minimal Wiring
Once you have the Little Creo Brain powered up with its built-in battery pack or a USB power supply, you can immediately start creating projects!
Once you have the Little Creo Brain powered up with its built-in battery pack or a USB power supply, you can immediately start creating projects!

Wireless Programming
The Little Creo Brain is designed to be programmed with phones, tablets, and laptops without any additional cables or drivers.
The Little Creo Brain is designed to be programmed with phones, tablets, and laptops without any additional cables or drivers.
The Game Changer!

Built-in Apps and Software
Jumpstart your Maker creativity by exploring some of the built-in apps and software that comes pre-packaged with your Little Creo Brain.